Ifthekar Jaman, A hero ( Raheem Ullah)

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Ifthekar Jaman  is a young British national that decided to travel miles to protect civilians in the Levant. In November he appeared on Newsnight explaining why he joined the war in Syria. Ifthekar Jaman has left this world and was martyred earlier this week. He was described as gentle and reasonable whilst dealing with customer at sky. One of his colleague says ” He was exemplary in his manner, in how he listened and then gave a calmly considered response, never rude or dismissive” The coworker also states” He gave his life to protect people who could not protect themselves.

1477939_1395948237319212_462478749_n (Ifhekar Jaman)
We have seen a news flash reporting about Dr Abbas Khan( Raheem Ullah) and how he was a hero helping civilians. We are do not shy away to consider ifthekar Jaman ( may Allah swt bless him with the highest ranks) as Hero who left his family behind to help where help was needed. 
We  reject the narrative a few British tabloid press are going to use just to sell a story. The outplayed extremist clichés we all heard before.The so called insurgent and Islamist ( whatever that word means) who went to fight a war that does not really concerned him. Just the way the conventional news outlets are reporting about Dr Abbas Khan ( Raheem Ullah) We must anticipate these senseless rhetoric. However by examining the social media it does not matter what they will produce in case it happens. We don’t depend on Big news outlets to pay tribute. A close friend describes the reaction of those who knew him as a lost and mourning a man they considered a friend. The social media is now filled with tributes and remembrance of ifhekar Jaman.

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